Overview Of Department

  1. Establishment : 1985
  2. Importance of Branch:

Technology is rapidly growing and with that, the role of Electrical engineers becomes more important. They are the forefront of developing new technologies in different industries such as robotics, transportation, construction and healthcare. Electrical engineering is the blood of innovation

Electrical Engineers Are In-Demand

Whether a fresh graduate or an experienced practitioner, it’s always easy to find a job in the electrical engineering market. With the rapid expansion of technologies, it’s no surprise that the demand for electrical engineers has also raised.. Just as the world needs its Doctors, Nurses and Teachers, Electrical Engineering is something which we simply couldn’t do without.

If you like the idea of creating electrical systems which could help millions of people on a day to day basis, like the systems used in phones, or computers, then read these reasons to study Electrical Engineering.-

Electrical Engineers have good Graduate Prospects

Electrical Engineers enjoy high starting salaries

Global opportunities

Electrical Engineers are always in demand

3. Opportunities to Students after completing course :

Electrical engineering is another old branch of engineering and one of the most important ones. Electrical engineering deals with the extensive study of electricity and its properties.

Although there is immense competition in the field of study, the career opportunities are surely rewarding. After having diploma in  electrical engineering, students can either pursue higher education or choose to work. Electrical engineering diploma holders have the opportunity to build their career in either private or public engineering companies. The students can also make their carrer in various Electrical Power Genertaion , Distribution, Transmission companies .

There are multitudinous government jobs for electrical engineers. Some of the biggest and highly reputed government companies for electrical engineers include BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited), SAIL ( Steel Authority of India Limited), ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation), and DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation).

4. Environment of Dept/ Work Culture/about faculties :

Positive work environment/ Dedicated &  Hard working Faculties .

5.Intake Capacity: 60